During our practice we have served versatile consulting to foundations, public funds, corporations and individual investors.

*SOLD OUTFor sale elegant shop with Italian products


For sale current and dynamic cozy specialty shop with Italian products, located in the heart of Poznan. Fully equipped and stocked with goods. Cash register with warehouse program. Ever-growing database of clients. The logo and group on Facebook.
Excellent relations with suppliers from Italy, with favorable purchase prices and terms of payment.
Perfect business for enthusiastic people. A lot of potential.
The price for equipment inventory and 100% of the shares of the company.

Property, equipment and facilities:
High quality refrigerators , professional coffee maker, shelves and other furniture, a computer, a cash register with the warehouse program, Internet
the room is rented for an indefinite period

After-sales service:
assistance in all formalities associated with the transfer of the company, the Bank, the court, accounting
it's also possible the full implementation and training on a range of current Manager, transferring all contacts with suppliers of educational materials in the field of wine sales

Opportunities for development:
opened contacts B2B, negotiations with new partners

Reason for sale:
Changes in personal life of 3 shareholders