During our practice we have served versatile consulting to foundations, public funds, corporations and individual investors.
A national payment institution is an organization that provides payment services through а license. To obtain permission from the Polish Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) to conduct activities, the payment institution shall submit the documents in accordance with the following list:
(Although it should include procedures of control the execution of payment transactions, and control the activities of agents of the national payment institutions and entities entrusted with the operation of some operational activities)
7. data to establish the identity of managers and persons who have a significant package of shares in the company or cooperative proposes to provide payment services, indicating the size of the shares;
8. documents and information available to assess whether the applicant and managers and person who hold a significant share in the company (intending to provide payment services) guarantee the prudent and stable management of the payment institution, in particular:
9. data to establish the identity of statutory auditors and other entities to audit financial statements.
During the proceedings, the Financial Supervision Commission may also request additional information or documents necessary to resolve the case.
The issuance of an authorization to provide services as a national payment institution is subject to a fee in the amount of the Polish currency equivalent of EUR 1250 (using the average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland, on the date of authorization to the account indicated in the request of the Polish Financial Supervision Commission to pay this fee). But the change of the authorization to provide services as a national payment institution is subject to a fee in the amount of the Polish currency equivalent of EUR 400 (using the average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland, on the day of issuing the decision on changing the authorization to the account indicated in the request of the Polish Financial Supervision Commission for this fee ).
According to Art. 113 of the Act of August 19, 2011 on Payment Services, national payment institutions are obliged to make payments to cover surveillance costs. Article 115 of the Act on Payment Services provides that the Prime Minister shall define, by way of a regulation the payment deadlines, the amount and the method of calculating payments to cover the supervision costs.
FSC issues a decision on the authorization within 3 months from the date of receipt of the application or supplement. This means that the period of three months calculated from the day when received by the FSC complete application (or the last document supplementing the application).
The application for a permit for a national payment institutions (signed in accordance with the rules of representation), with attachments should be submitted in writing to the FSC office or to be sent to: Financial Supervision Commission, ul. Piękna 20, 00-549 Warszawa.