During our practice we have served versatile consulting to foundations, public funds, corporations and individual investors.

Prohibited objects of activity in the limited liability company

 In accordance with the Polish law, the Articles of association of a limited liability company must include the codes of activity of the company. In Poland, the subject of activity is determined by codes from the Polish Classification of Activities (abbreviated PKD) that describe the type conducted business the best. However, there are some categories of PKD, which cannot be provided by limited liability company.

 These restrictions arise from the legal form of a legal entity. The number of activities reserved only for public limited companies or non-commercial bodies. The prohibited codes list:

PKD 64.11.Z        Central banking

PKD 65.11.Z        Life Insurance

PKD 65.12.Z        Non-life reinsurance

PKD 65.20.Z        Life reinsurance

PKD 65.30.Z        Pension funding

PKD 66.29.Z        Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding

PKD 84.11.Z        General public administration activities

PKD 84.12.Z        Regulation of health care, education, cultural and other social services, not incl. social security

PKD 84.13.Z        Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses

PKD 84.21.Z        Foreign affairs

PKD 84.22.Z        Defence activities

PKD 84.23.Z        Justice and judicial activities

PKD 84.24.Z        Public order and safety activities

PKD 84.25.Z        Fire service activities

PKD 84.30.Z        Compulsory social security activities

PKD 94.20.Z        Activities of trade unions

PKD 94.92.Z        Activities of political organizations

PKD 97.00.Z        Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel

PKD 98.10.Z        Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use

PKD 98.20.Z        Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use

PKD 99.00.Z        Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

The putting into the Articles of the association of the limited liability company any of the "prohibited" code, and then submitting the application form for registration will lead to the rejection of an application. In this case, the change of the Articles of association is required and re-filling the registration forms before submitting them to the National Court Register.