During our practice we have served versatile consulting to foundations, public funds, corporations and individual investors.

The consequences of incorrect filing, when you registering LLC

If declaration was not:

submitted on official letterhead

properly prepared

or it was incorrectly filled

it returns without warning of deficiencies (article 19 paragraph 3 of the code of KRS). In case of return of the first record in the registry by state, it can be resubmitted within 7 days from the date of delivery of the decision to return

Error or lack of documents resulting in refusal of the application can occur not only on the form KRS-W3 and the relevant applications forms, but also, for example, the contract of the company or the statements of the Board of Directors.

Common mistakes, such as fault marking partners, errors in the calculations on the amount of authorized capital and amount of stock, if you enter the wrong name of the city, the headquarters of the company. If the shortcomings are not eliminated within the term established by court, the court shall issue an order that granted the appeal.

Along with the registration of the LLC acquires the status of a legal entity. I should add that the court cannot refuse registration of a company in the registry for minor flaws that do not violate the interests of company and the public interest, and cannot be removed without extraordinary costs (article 164 § 3 ksh).